Waterproofing of the Basement
Living with a wet basement can be a headache! Whatever is causing wetness in your basement, we can help. We utilize top Basement Systems to waterproof your entire basement. An contractor experienced with using Basement Systems can customize a solution for your needs that will repair any cracks or damage and waterproof the entire area.
Dehumidification of Your Basement
Moisture in the basement is a big concern for many property owners. A basement with too much moisture can trigger allergies, asthma and other discomforts for the occupants. A standard dehumidifier will not be effective enough to keep your basement conditions dry.
Our Skyline solution from Basement Systems is not an ordinary system. It has high-performing features such as:
– automated drainage, which means you don’t have to empty buckets
– automated controls – just set it, then forget it
– efficiency in energy usage
– effective filters for dust mites, mold spores, and other impurities in the air of the basement
Installation of Sump Pump
Repair Of Your Foundation In Your Washington, DC Property
Prevent Floods Caused By Failed Plumbing Systems
It is unfortunate that many plumbing problems are caused by leaks that can occur anywhere in your home’s plumbing system. However, there are effective fixes that can address these common plumbing problems.
Our Water Heater Flood Protection solution from Complete Basement Systems can protect your property from floods caused by your water heater. This system includes a 4-inch PVC ring that collects water leaked by your water heater. The water is drained to the perimeter. We also replace your old hoses with hoses that are industrial grade before the old hoses fail and burst. When there is a flood, our alarm system can alert you to take the proper measures.
How Does Basement Flooding Happen and How It Can Be Prevented
Once a basement floods, there is a good chance that it will flood again. However, there are things you can to do prevent it. Contact us at Complete Basement Systems and we will show you the solutions we use to protect your basement from flooding. Our waterproof and prevention systems will make sure that your basement remains dry.
Flooding in a basement can be caused by many things, and they can cause a lot of damage. The most common causes are heavy rainstorms and pipes that burst. Therefore, it is vital that you take steps in preparing for all possible causes. Our solutions are ideal because of these reasons:
– Our Dry Basement & Foundation Repair solutions are customized to your needs
– Our products are exclusive and patented
– We have a solid track record of more that 25 years
– Our lifetime warranty on the drainage systems is transferable
– We offer many financing options that will fit your needs. Consult with your local dealer